Please complete the entire form. We use it to ALERT you about critical legislation or actions affecting your Hunting Dog Heritage, don't forget a phone number and email address.

* - Required Fields

Club or Group Name
(If Applicable)
Club or Group Location
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Please enter at least one of the following 3 (Home, Cell or Email) contact methods.
Home Phone
Work Phone
Mobile Phone
Do you want to receive VaHDA text messages? Yes No
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
County/City of Residence *
enter the "COUNTY" of residence not where the hunt club is located
Principle Activity of Organization Deer Bear Coon Fox Rabbit
Update of Exising Information Yes
Check "Yes" if you are updating your information. If this is a registration, please leave unchecked.
Verification *

Enter the text in the image:

Thank you!

Your contact information will only be used to promote and protect your outdoor sporting heritage of Hunting with Dogs. Email addresses are the quickest and cheapest way to communicate!

Questions? Email us at

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